From The Earth Healthcare The Healing Power Of Acupuncture & Western Herbal Medicine Combined
Offering an evidence based, fully integrated and natural approach to healthcare,
From The Earth Healthcare welcomes you and your family.
Founder Dr Trudie Godfrey is degree qualified in Acupuncture and is a fully qualified Phytotherapist (modern western herbal medicine practitioner).

Focused on healing from the inside out, prescribed acupuncture treatments and western herbal medicine can assist with the management of:
- Pain
- Stress & Anxiety Reduction
- Pregnancy related aches and pain, nausea and vomiting
- Behavioral, Neurological Disorders & Mood Disorders
- Sleep Disorders
- Inflammation
- Clinically Diagnosed Diseases
- EDS (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome) and other connective tissue disorders
- Allergy related symptoms (e.g. MCAS – Mast Cell Activation Syndrome)
- Overall Quality Of Life and maintaining good health
- And More
From The Earth Healthcare was founded on the basis of utilising what’s already available in nature to aid in the body’s natural ability to heal. Dr Trudie assists individuals and families from all walks of life, including those seeking:
- An alternative more natural approach to healthcare
- Therapies to complement an already existing healthcare plan
- Natural, non-invasive treatments
- Formulas that compliment (but don’t interact with) current prescription medications
- Treatments that complement post surgery recovery or chronic illness management
By offering both Acupuncture therapy and Herbal Medicine formulas, From The Earth Healthcare can assist with the management of a multitude of minor ailments and discomfort through to more complex illnesses and medical conditions.
“As I am fully qualified and registered, I am able to work with your doctor, other specialists and allied health practitioners as part of your healthcare team to provide the best outcomes for you.”
Dr Trudie Godfrey
To Learn How Dr Trudie Can Best
Support Your Healing Journey, Book An Initial Consultation
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is focused on releasing / freeing up stagnant energy or qi, throughout the body vs targeting one specific trigger point. This means acupuncture can be used to for the management of, and support a wider range of both physical and neurological symptoms with more of a holistic approach to healing – one of the many natural healing philosophies practiced at From The Earth Healthcare.
Over the past 20 years, there have been 13,000+ acupuncture studies across 60 countries covering many different clinical areas including pain, cancer, pregnancy, stroke, mood disorders, sleep disorders and inflammation, to name a few.
As the evidence supporting Acupuncture as an effective, alternative medical treatment continues to grow exponentially, western medical professionals are starting to see how it aligns with what the Chinese have been practicing for 1000s of years.
Interested In Learning More About Acupuncture?

What Is Phytotherapy / Western Herbal Medicine?
Considered both an art and a science, Phytotherapy is what’s known as Modern Herbalism or Western Herbal Medicine and is the clinical application of plant based medicines.
Prescribed by a degree-qualified Phytotherapist, herbal remedies, containing herbs and plants, come as either a liquid herbal extract (tincture), preformulated herbal capsules or tea. When prescribed by an accredited and experienced practitioner to ensure there are no drug interactions, can safely be used alongside traditional western medicine.
Other terms used to describe this include“Phytopharmaceuticals,” “phytomedicines,”and botanicals. Plant-based and herb-based medicines are also terms related to this field.
For More Information & Rates
Dr Trudie Godfrey
As a mum of 3 boys, Trudie developed a keen interest in medicine and began her studies primarily to aid in her children’s health. Her children have been diagnosed with various conditions including chronic eczema, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD, formerly known as Asperger’s Syndrome), Generalised Anxiety Disorder, hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS) and Mast cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). Trudie and her family quickly found acupuncture and western herbal medicine to be extremely beneficial and effective.
From here, Trudie’s love for natural medicine and natural therapies has expanded into a passion for helping others gain and maintain quality health. This has resulted in Trudie gaining her Masters degree in Acupuncture (and other qualifications) with a particular passion for assisting those with clinically diagnosed diseases and disorders.