Acupuncture is Not The Same As Dry Needling!
Often confused with Dry Needling (also known as myofascial trigger point needling), Acupuncture is a very different, more advanced natural therapy.
Even though both use the same kind of filiform needles, the placement and the approach of each therapy differs exponentially.
First of all, a qualified acupuncturist undergoes a LOT more medical based study, particularly if they have achieved a Master degree level in the field (like Dr Trudie). Dry needling however only requires a short-course in Australia and minimal practical experience before being allowed to practice on patients.
Acupuncture is focused on releasing / freeing up stagnant energy or qi, throughout the body vs targeting one specific trigger point. This means acupuncture can be used to for the management of, and support a wider range of both physical and neurological symptoms with more of a holistic approach to healing – one of the many natural healing philosophies practiced at From The Earth Healthcare.
Acupuncture For Children & The “Needle-phobic”
Acupuncture is known for offering a gentler, almost completely pain free healing modality, often chosen by parents for the treatment of their children and young teens over more
invasive treatments.
The format of your acupuncture treatment can also be adapted to suit any patient. Our aim is to always maximise your comfort and level of calm. This is particularly supportive for those who dislike needles. This can include:
Changing the treatment position from sitting or lying face up, to comfortably lying face down to block out any unwanted visual stimulus,
Starting with a more minimalist ‘first treatment’ with less needles of a smaller size than the regular acupuncture needles, to reduce anxiety and stress response, and
A laser acupuncture alternative using a device that looks like small torch. It emits a specific wave length of light that stimulates the point it is placed on without piercing the skin. This is ideal for those that really can’t handle the needles.
Extra verbal support to
soothe nervousness
Acupuncture Treatment Price List
$130 Initial Consultation & Treatment – 60 minutes
$80 Subsequent Treatments – 30 minutes
Muscle Synergy – Pain and Wellness clinic,
21/4 Progress Rd, Burpengary QLD 4505
$150 Initial Consultation & Treatment – 60 minutes
$100 Subsequent Treatments – 30 minutes
Available: Elimbah, Wamuran, Redcliffe, Burpengary, Deception Bay, Narangba, Kallangur, North Lakes